Saturday 7 June 2008

Jugglers of the world - unite!


Another month, another branch implemented in Bamenda, which was meant to be the last. Unfortunately, things have gone so well that RIC have asked me to try and complete things by implementing in the last two branches, both of which are very remote, up in the hills towards Nigeria, in two villages called Andek and Oshie. It’s not a problem except that rather than gradually relaxing over the last few weeks, I am going to be dashing around – but it will be great if we end up having implemented all branches!

Feel a bit like one of those Chinese jugglers which start with one plate spinning and end up with 8 – although the system is holding up well, the users are still making a lot of mistakes which mean I have to go back and help them sort things out, and some days it feels like I have dropped a plate or two.

Another major event in the past week was the holding of the bank’s AGM – which in typical Cameroonian style was the third they have had in 10 years – so should really be called the Occasional General Meeting in my view! It was meant to start at 8am, eventually got going around 11.30 but was a good meeting with the shareholders asking many good questions of me, as I had to do a presentation on progress.

Next big thing (with photoes I am sure) is the celebration of 10 years of existence for RIC. They are going to combine this with marking 5 years of working with VSO and my official farewell – should be quite a day – in fact the events planned cover a week – possible including an interview with your truly on the local radio – I am a star at last!

Couple of nasty incidents last week involving robbery which is quite prevalent here – one of the branches was robbed during daylight hours and the thieves got away with Fcfa 1.5 million – a lot of dosh in Cameroon – but were last heard of surrounded in the forest by the local police – they will be lucky to get out alive. On a more mundane level, my next door neighbours flat was broken into, through the roof (I live on the top floor) – he is a wealthy lawyer, the brigands cleary thought he would have more in his flat than a VSO volunteer – lucky for me – as they trashed the place as well. The buildings occupants have now hired a security guard.

So now only about 7 weeks to go, lots of my VSO colleagues who started at the same time as me are already gone – its all a bit sad actually saying ta ra to them, but I am looking forward now to the end and seeing my family and friends again.

Probably one or two more entries on here, hope you have enjoyed reading this half as much as I have enjoyed writing it , hear from some of you by return I trust


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Duncan, have just discovered your fabulous blog. Can't wait to see you on Friday and meet the truth-telling tortoises!! Much love.