Sunday 11 November 2007

Blue skies, nothing but blue skies!

Feeling a little euphoric today, as just finished a major implementation - without getting too technical this weekend we have loaded vitually all the remaining manual accounts into the system - including the most difficult - Loans and Current Accounts!

I am now totally confident that we have a system that can be rolled out to all the other branches, which will be relatively straightforward given their much smaller numbers of customers and accounts. I will start this early in the New Year - RIC finances permitting - and it should only take a couple of months at the most - I might even come home a little early at this rate!!

The real sky is blue as well at last, apart from the odd overnight shower the rainy season is finally over, so now its back to dust and heat - wonderful!

Two new pictures - the team here at RIC - thats me in the back row right :-) .....and a new pic of the beautiful Esme!

Toodle pip!

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